What We Do

Statement of Purpose

To eliminate fatal and serious injury crashes by counteracting the influence of Driver Conditioning ​.​

Driver Conditioning is the underlying cause of nearly all vehicular crashes.​

Driver Conditioning is the process through which drivers become conditioned to respond to traffic patterns and road conditions that remain consistent over an undefined period of time or distance.

Once a driver becomes conditioned to their driving environment, it is natural to lose focus on that environment and become susceptible to error.

Driver Conditioning causes or contributes to the following impediments to safe driving:


Intentional mental compromise

Driver purposely focuses on things [thoughts/visuals/audio] separate from their driving environment


Unintentional mental compromise

Driver involuntarily/subconsciously focuses on things [thoughts/visuals/audio] separate from their driving environment


Cognitive disengagement

Near-total loss of environmental awareness


Tunnel vision

Non-medical—complete loss of vision outside a small area of focus in the center of vision


Development of life-threatening habits

A. driving under the influences of alcohol or drugs;

B. ignoring seatbelt usage;

C. looking once in each direction before entering or crossing a roadway;

D. rapid lane-change without visual clearance or signaling; and,

E. many more.

We Believe
every crash has a story of how it came to be. We seek to learn that story so history is not repeated. ​


DCCI works to identify the underlying cause of crashes influenced by the effects of Driver Conditioning and provide recommendations to counteract that influence, thereby reducing the risk of fatal and severe injury crashes.

Our primary focus is to stop recurring crashes at high-accident locations (HALs). However, analysts can proactively apply the same preventive evaluation and subsequent modifications to prevent collisions at newly constructed or modified locations and locations with minimal crash occurrence.